Fly Honey

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(Fitfully Asked Questions)

Q. Why does Autumn walk around without shoes on?

A. Autumn has very strong skin. All her outfits are based around directing your eyes to her legs because she is embarrassed about her big nose. The blonde hair, double ponytails, flower accessory and gold earrings are also there to distract you. When she was a kid she looked like this:

After her growth spurt, shoes cost three times as much. She stopped buying them.

She doesn't even wear shoes outdoors?

A. It's a very clean city. The worst thing you'll step on is gravel. On the hot summer nights, maybe 3-4 people in 10 forgo shoes. Dani wears flip-flops after work because she likes feeling things between her toes.

Q. What does Autumn do in the winter?

A. She wears these stupid-looking 'all-weather slippers'.

Q. Where does Autumn get her clothes?

A. Like a lot of people, she mixes secondhand pieces from used stores. All of her pants are high-waisted, and she has like ten different little capes.

Q. Did Dani have an awkward phase too?

A. She's in it. Dani started off very cool and self-assured and has been dropping over time.

Q. Do they have last names?

Autumn Torney

Dani D'Arcangelo

Q. What's this city?

Population: 10-1K thousand
Weather: As convenient
Softball team: Wavefront Ocelots

Q. How did Dorothy and Dominique miss the PSAs?

A. They didn't miss the PSAs -- they ignored the PSAs.

Q. Is Dinah stupid? You're not supposed to sleep in haunted houses.

A. Dinah was guessing the prize would be a toaster. You can't blame her for not expecting what happened.

Q. Are any of your characters smart?

A. Oh, everyone seems stupid when they're in love.

Q. But they're not all in love. A lot of them are just uncomfortable.

A. That's not a question. Did you think that was a question? Next.

Q. Would you rather be in bondage, or put someone else in bondage?

Who -- Are these being screened properly? I -- Some might say, with the way society is going, in a way, everyone is already in bondage. Does that answer your question? It's much too personal, I can't... erm, well, so to speak... as a disembodied voice - It almost seems unfair to ask me such a thing!! Ha, but really, if it's a matter of trying to satisfy the speaker...!! Then I --!! L-Leave me alone!!!

I have a question that isn't listed here.

I eagerly welcome all inquiry. But there are many questions I do not know the answers to. I cannot answer questions about prehistory or the future.


Q. Why are you doing this?

I was born to the planet Earth to create erotic art.